8-9 October 2025 | RDS | Dublin
8-9 October 2025 | RDS | Dublin

The RIAI Conference and the Architecture + Building Expo are delighted to present, for the first time, an exhibition of the entries for the Town Centre Living Competitions, which attracted over 100 high-quality submissions.


The ‘Town Centre Living Competitions’ were launched in January 2023 by the RIAI and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage to encourage innovative designs from architectural firms for social housing within four town centres – Castleblayney, Kildare, Roscrea and Sligo.  The competitions seek to progress the Government’s Town Centre First policy objectives of compact growth and town-centre revitalisation, by way of real showcase projects which will provide almost 100 new social housing homes.  The RIAI received over 100 entries for the competitions. Entrants could select a maximum of two town-centre sites and all entries were assessed anonymously by four separate competition juries.  The exhibition at the RIAI Conference and the Architecture + Building Expo will show the four First Prize proposals as well as the shortlisted schemes and the wider entries.


First Prize Winners

Castleblayney, First Prize Winner: ‘The Old Fire Station’ by Boyd Cody Architects with James Flaus and Kevin Quinlan

Kildare, First Prize Winner: ‘An Thriantán’ by Shay Cleary Architects

Roscrea, First Prize Winner: ‘Learning from Roscrea’ by JFOC Architects

Sligo, First Prize Winner: ‘Housing at Pirn Mill Road’ by TAKA Architects


To view the exhibition, register for the Architecture + Building Expo

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